People First Media program archive

Anxiety, depression and the mental health continuum

December 14th, 2017 | Posted by pfmarchive in uncategorized

picture 777people first media mixcloudVIMHS acting executive director Taryn O’Flanagan presents a talk titled The Mental Health Continuum, Depression and Anxiety: Effective ways of coping and supporting one another

Image: Taryn O’Flanagan speaking at Brentwood College School on November 29, 2017

Student leaders at the Vancouver Island-based Brentwood College School led a mental health awareness day for grade 11 students on November 29th, 2017. The primary purpose was to train student leaders to educate their peers and provide support for mental health issues.

Student leaders and staff hoped to reduce the stigma that is often associated with mental health issues while building resiliency among students so they can better cope with the stresses of campus life. Students were introduced to specific topics such as suicide prevention, mindfulness practices and addiction issues.

picture 779bTaryn O’Flanagan with grade 11 student Morgan Woodbridge, who was one of
the leaders of the Brentwood College School mental health awareness day

Vancouver Island Mental Health Society’s acting executive director Taryn O’Flanagan spoke to the Brentwood College students about depression, anxiety, and understanding mental health as a continuum. Her talk was titled The Mental Health Continuum, Depression and Anxiety: Effective ways of coping and supporting one another.

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