People First Media program archive

Veterans march to raise PTSD awareness, pay tribute to the PTSD fallen

July 22nd, 2014 | Posted by pfmarchive in uncategorized - (Comments Off on Veterans march to raise PTSD awareness, pay tribute to the PTSD fallen)

“Find your lonely road and follow it…follow it through everything to the end of the road and then let go of that road…put it behind you…”

picture 565b

In the past three years, 50 recognized Canadian Forces veterans have committed suicide directly related to post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) as a result of their tours in Afghanistan. Put into perspective, there were 158 Canadian Soldiers killed in combat in Afghanistan over the 12 year campaign. If the current rate of suicides continues, then 200 Veterans of the Afghanistan war will die by their own hand in Canada in the same time frame.

PTSD has been wounding people in the Canadian Forces, and veterans, for some time—but it seems to be taking an ever-increasing toll as Canadian veterans die by suicide and family members raise questions about the supports needed but not offered or available.


Do you know what’s in your food?

July 15th, 2014 | Posted by pfmarchive in uncategorized - (Comments Off on Do you know what’s in your food?)

Food security includes access to healthy, affordable food; it also includes knowing what is in the food we eat

picture 563New Democratic Party Member of Parliament Murray Rankin (Victoria) recently put forward a motion in the House of Commons calling for the mandatory labeling of food products containing ingredients that have been genetically modified. The New Democrats take the position that consumers have a right to know what they are buying, that labeling genetically modified foods will allow people to make their own choices.

Endorsements for the motion have have come from industry organizations, consumer advocacy groups, prominent environmentalists and food retailers that agree people have a right to know if they are consuming GMOs.


Brain injury info

April 30th, 2014 | Posted by pfmarchive in uncategorized - (Comments Off on Brain injury info)

The Nanaimo Brain Injury Society stands for an inspired world where the importance of neurological health and excellent care is a priority: where the removal of barriers to participation is imperative; and where all preventable brain injuries are prevented. (NBIS website)

Tune in to People First Radio on CHLY 101.7FM this Thursday at noon, for a conversation with Mark Busby, Executive Director of NBIS.

He will talk about a common form of brain injury, concussion: what causes this brain injury, how concussion can affect us and how it can be prevented.


Physio expert on cycling

April 30th, 2014 | Posted by pfmarchive in uncategorized - (Comments Off on Physio expert on cycling)

picture 335May is Physiotherapy Month and also Bike to Work Month.

Kari Watson, is a physiotherapist at the Outpatient Clinic of the Nanaimo Regional General Hospital.

Tune in to People First Radio on CHLY 101.7FM this Thursday at noon, for a conversation with Kari. She will talk about how regular cycling can improve our health, give us tips on how to make sure we prevent injury and pain when cycling and when to call a physiotherapist.
