People First Media program archive

NFLA’s new Beyond Blame workshop

April 2nd, 2014 | Posted by pfmarchive in uncategorized - (Comments Off on NFLA’s new Beyond Blame workshop)

guyhelpingIn the tradition of pioneers such as Jackson Katz (Violence against women: it’s a men’s issue) and Tony Porter (co-founder of A call to men: The national association of men and women committed to ending violence against women), Nanaimo Family Life Association offers a workshop for men called “Beyond Blame”.  “The purpose of this workshop is to address the root causes of family violence and abuse in our community.  We do this by supporting men to take personal responsibility for, and end their abusive behaviours.” A new workshop session will be starting in May.


Dissolve: A play about drug-facilitated sexual assault

February 13th, 2014 | Posted by pfmarchive in uncategorized - (Comments Off on Dissolve: A play about drug-facilitated sexual assault)

243834531.htmlThis is actually happening in our community!  And it is happening much more frequently than we would like to think.  Survivors rarely step forward with a report to the police- the reasons for this are many and are understandable- she wonders if she will be believed, her memory has been impacted, she may blame herself, she may feel shame and fear…


Island Crisis Society Speaks with People First Radio

January 8th, 2014 | Posted by pfmarchive in uncategorized - (Comments Off on Island Crisis Society Speaks with People First Radio)

Thursday January 9th and Monday January 13th on People First Radio…


 Samaritan House Launches Campaign

Nanaimo’s Samaritan House in is operated by the Island Crisis Care Society. It has been in operation since 1989 and is badly in need of upgrades and expansion. Rezoning approval was received late in 2013 and now the ICCS is looking forward to a major building campaign to raise the funds required. On Thursday, January 9, 2014, we will be speaking with Violet Hayes, ICCS’ Executive Director and Ronell Bosman, Director of Samaritan House Emergency Shelter and of the Samaritan House Transition Units. We will be exploring both their dreams and plans for Samaritan House and the role and contribution of faith based non-profits in the delivery of mental health and addictions recovery programs.

Hear the interview here 307_January_9_2014

Also on Thursday, we heard a rebroadcast from People First Radio, first aired on December 8, 2011 about Ruth Ruth Stackhouse, award winning mental health activist.  Ruth is a proud member of the psychiatric survivor community and a long-standing social and health activist.  Her extensive community work includes organizing Mad Pride, establishing The Friendly Spike Theatre Band, working with anti-violence education, and academic research work on a project about the exploitation of mental hospital patient labour called Out From Under.  Ruth Ruth has been named this year’s recipient of the City of Toronto’s Access Award for Disability Issues, which recognizes a person or an organization whose efforts have significantly contributed to improving access for people with disabilities in Toronto.

Listen to that interview here 366_december_08_2011_sm

To see all previous People First Radio segments, visit our archives by clicking here.

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Human rights for women is under an international spotlight in British Columbia

October 24th, 2013 | Posted by pfmarchive in uncategorized - (Comments Off on Human rights for women is under an international spotlight in British Columbia)

West coast legal group releases report card on women’s rights in B.C. as international groups hear testimony about the disappearances of indigenous women and girls

picture 507West Coast LEAF has released its 5th annual report card on women’s rights in British Columbia. The CEDAW Report Card is West Coast LEAF’s annual assessment of how well BC is measuring up on international legal standards of women’s equality set out in the United Nations Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW). (more…)

Poet calls men to action to prevent violence against women

October 3rd, 2013 | Posted by pfmarchive in uncategorized - (Comments Off on Poet calls men to action to prevent violence against women)

Jeremy Loveday’s YouTube message implores men to speak up and act against sexual violence, generating thousands of views, links from political leaders, and some controversy

picture 505Performance poet, community builder, change agent. Those are the words Victoria poet Jeremy Loveday uses to describe himself on Twitter and Facebook. And recently, with one YouTube video, Loveday has drawn on all three of those callings.

Masks Off—A Challenge to Men [opens to video] is a passionate call to action from a man, to other men, to end sexual violence against women. As noted in the Victoria Times-Colonist, “the video’s appearance online is timely given recent reports about the use of chants advocating rape at Saint Mary’s University in Halifax and the University of B.C. during frosh events, but Loveday penned the poem months ago.” Loveday wrote the challenge to men for the annual Walk a Mile in Her Shoes event in Victoria in May 2013. (more…)

The call for men’s centres and programs resumes

October 1st, 2013 | Posted by pfmarchive in uncategorized - (Comments Off on The call for men’s centres and programs resumes)

Men’s centres on campuses are needed, advocates say, but so are programs designed to support men in other communities

picture 506In a visit that was probably destined to create controversy, Miles Groth, an educator and activist in the men’s rights movement, came to the University of Toronto on September 27, 2013 to speak on the topic of “why we need men’s centres in a time of crisis.” The fact is, fewer and fewer men are attending university. The controversy comes with the discussion of why that is happening. (more…)