People First Media program archive

Food bank use in B.C., across Canada remains stubbornly high

November 22nd, 2015 | Posted by pfmarchive in uncategorized - (Comments Off on Food bank use in B.C., across Canada remains stubbornly high)

picture 656_01pfr banner workingThe need for food banks spiked drastically in 2009 and has hovered at record levels ever since. Food Banks Canada says that’s unacceptable [image: food banks canada]


Report card finds that B.C. fails to make the grade in women’s equality

November 9th, 2015 | Posted by pfmarchive in uncategorized - (Comments Off on Report card finds that B.C. fails to make the grade in women’s equality)

picture 652pfr banner workingWhile the situation for women in BC has seen minor improvements this year, unfortunately for many women, BC continues to fail to deliver on its responsibilities, West Coast LEAF says


The Nanaimo Women’s Centre responds to a range of issues affecting families

October 27th, 2015 | Posted by pfmarchive in uncategorized - (Comments Off on The Nanaimo Women’s Centre responds to a range of issues affecting families)

picture 647pfr banner workingThe Women’s Centre in Nanaimo designs its core work around strengthening women and families to create healthier communities in the mid-Island region. [image: istockphoto]


BC Seniors Advocate calls for more help for low-income renters, homeowners

May 25th, 2015 | Posted by pfmarchive in uncategorized - (Comments Off on BC Seniors Advocate calls for more help for low-income renters, homeowners)

picture 633pfr banner workingSeniors in every corner of the province of British Columbia are frustrated and concerned about the availability, appropriateness and affordability of housing


Parents, politicos rally in Nanaimo, across B.C. against further cuts to public education

April 13th, 2015 | Posted by pfmarchive in uncategorized - (Comments Off on Parents, politicos rally in Nanaimo, across B.C. against further cuts to public education)

picture 622Rallies were held in Nanaimo and in other cities across British Columbia on Sunday April 12th to protest against plans by the B.C. government to further cut public education funding.


#Nanaimo anti-poverty coalition prepares action plans

February 16th, 2015 | Posted by pfmarchive in uncategorized - (Comments Off on #Nanaimo anti-poverty coalition prepares action plans)

picture 611Local coalitions are taking on advocacy and planning work to help decrease poverty in Nanaimo, while also promoting the concept of a living wage
