People First Media program archive

Teens need to understand differences in worry, anxiety disorder, sadness, depression

September 30th, 2016 | Posted by pfmarchive in uncategorized

fullscreen-capture-2016-09-30-65346-amStress has become the soul-sucking virus of the modern age. So a recent large-scale Ontario study should come as no surprise: Teenagers are also becoming infected in growing numbers

In August, the Toronto-based Centre for Addiction and Mental Health reported that one in three Ontario teens suffers from “moderate-to-serious psychological distress. Close to 30 per cent reported “elevated stress.” And the number of kids saying they felt nervous or overwhelmed either “most” or “all of the time” had jumped significantly since the last time the survey was taken, only two years earlier. What, then, are parents to do with that information?  Read the rest of this article at The Globe and Mail…

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