People First Media program archive

Opinion: During Homelessness Action Week, it’s time to take action

October 12th, 2017 | Posted by pfmarchive in uncategorized

homelessness action weekPrograms which address homelessness first, then provide supports, are more effective and economical than those requiring people to meet milestones (such as sobriety) prior to being housed

Lethargy is an easy pitfall when considering the issue of homelessness in B.C. We have a societal malaise from decades of inadequate government inertia and the feelings of futility that follow. We become accustomed to stepping past our fellow citizens, huddled under awnings and in doorways. We start to accept that this is “just the way things are.”  Read the rest of this article at The Vancouver Sun…

[image: A homeless camp in Vancouver this past summer. NICK PROCAYLO / PNG]

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