People First Media program archive

The Mankind Project

April 9th, 2009 | Posted by pfmarchive in uncategorized

A look at men’s health and wellness

picture 075The men’s movement, and its North American rise in the 1990s, is closely linked with poet Robert Bly’s book Iron John. Bly said in 1991 that he’d at first thought, “My male side was developed, and my feminine side was not developed…. [But] what I developed is the shallow form of the masculine, and what I need now is to develop the deeper form of the masculine….”  What is currently happening among men in our society? What are the challenges? What is being learned?

Today, an international organization, The Mankind Project, and its New Warrior Training, provides an “intense, transformative men’s initiation which invites men to forge a deep conscious connection between head and heart.” Local participants have just completed a weekend training. 

We speak with Mankind Project members Phil Gardner, from Nanaimo, and Grant Waldman and C.M. Justice, from Duncan.


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