People First Media program archive

The Vagina Monologues

March 19th, 2009 | Posted by pfmarchive in uncategorized

Witty, irreverent, compassionate, wise

picture 068Celebrated as a bible for a new generation of women, The Vagina Monologues has been performed in cities across North America and at hundreds of college and university campuses. It has also inspired a dynamic grassroots movement—V-Day—to stop violence against women.

Based on interviews with over 200 women about their memories and experiences of sexuality, the play gives voice to women’s deepest fantasies and fears, guaranteeing that no one who reads or hears it will ever look at a woman’s body, or think of sex, in quite the same way again. It is witty and irreverent, compassionate and wise.

The Vagina Monlogues will be performed next weekend in Nanaimo. We speak with Nanaimo monologists Danica Keating and Joanne Rosen, stage manager Katje van Loon, and Nanaimo Women’s Centre representative Ginna Berg.


Image: Lynelle Waite (L) and Rae Kornberger (R) at a rehearsal for The Vagina Monologues.

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