People First Media program archive

Graphic novelist Von Allan revisits childhood challenges for documentary film

September 18th, 2017 | Posted by pfmarchive in uncategorized - (Comments Off on Graphic novelist Von Allan revisits childhood challenges for documentary film)

people first media mixcloud“As a small child, Von Allan had to cope with poverty, bullying, loneliness and his mother’s severe mental health problems” but he found a way to cope; now his creativity speaks volumes


Anne Turner’s recovery-based exploration of art draws community recognition

August 31st, 2017 | Posted by pfmarchive in uncategorized - (Comments Off on Anne Turner’s recovery-based exploration of art draws community recognition)

picture 761pfr-banner-post-1Anne Turner credits art therapy with helping her move through various mental health challenges. One of her paintings has taken a prime spot in Nanaimo’s ‘gallery row’


Being John Keats

June 12th, 2017 | Posted by pfmarchive in uncategorized - (Comments Off on Being John Keats)

picture 753pfr-banner-post-1“For Keats, it is only our acceptance of the suffering that is an inevitable part of life, and death, that can really open our eyes to the beauty that surrounds us, thereby enabling us to grow”


World Bipolar Day – Making connections with others who have experienced bipolar

March 27th, 2017 | Posted by pfmarchive in uncategorized - (Comments Off on World Bipolar Day – Making connections with others who have experienced bipolar)

pfr-banner-post-1Steven Barnes on World Bipolar Day: “Making those connections with other people who have had lived experience with mental illness has been very important for my recovery”


World Bipolar Day – Not someone “with bipolar” but a person first

March 27th, 2017 | Posted by pfmarchive in uncategorized - (Comments Off on World Bipolar Day – Not someone “with bipolar” but a person first)

pfr-banner-post-1Natasha Kolida on World Bipolar Day: “You’re not getting to know someone with bipolar, you’re getting to know someone. Just think about that”


World Bipolar Day – Righting the public misunderstandings about bipolar disorder

March 27th, 2017 | Posted by pfmarchive in uncategorized - (Comments Off on World Bipolar Day – Righting the public misunderstandings about bipolar disorder)

pfr-banner-post-1Victoria Maxwell on World Bipolar Day: “I feel I can make my mark by righting some of the misunderstandings people have about bipolar disorder, and I do that a lot with humour”
